We built
    great labs.

It all begins here.

Contracting out your PK and PK-PD studies is a serious commitment.

Having high-quality results available on a timely basis is an essential part of adapting to the many hurdles that may arise throughout drug development.

And indeed, to meet this standard a lab must be equipped to thoughtfully plan, design, and carry out multiple studies simultaneously. Technical expertise will be a requirement to implement and analyze these studies, ranging from simple to state-of-the-art.

So why entrust your antimicrobial to an academic institution lacking in capacity or an industry lab without specialized expertise?

At the intersection of academia and industry.

We have created a fully-equipped antimicrobial PK-PD facility.

And we staffed it with first-class scientists to deliver results quickly and reliably — in so doing, we generate knowledge about your drug and minimize risk.

In fact, we perform...

  • Analytical drug assays
    Including Biological, Chemical (e.g., LC/MS-MS), and Protein Binding Assays
  • In vitro screening of candidate drugs for microbiologic activity and static time-kill studies
    Including Cell Culture, Drug Susceptibility, Mutation Frequency, and Plaque Assays
  • In vitro infection models
    Including One-Compartment Chemostat and Hollow Fiber
  • In vivo PK-PD infection models
    Including the most common translational models

Ultimately, infrastructure and expertise matter.

Report An Animal Welfare Concern

The policy of ICPD is that all animals used for research and testing are treated humanely and receive the best possible care. If you suspect animal mistreatment or noncompliance with ICPD policies, approved protocols, or government regulations, please contact our Veterinarian immediately.  Individuals reporting concerns do not have to identify themselves and ICPD, to the maximum extent possible, will protect the privacy of those who report concerns.

Mistreatment is physical or psychological, wrongful or abusive treatment of an animal. Noncompliance means that procedures or policies are not being followed, and this may be willful or stem from confusion or misunderstanding.

All concerns will be investigated.  The Animal Welfare Act protects the rights of the individuals reporting animal welfare concerns and prohibits discrimination against or reprisal for reporting violations of regulations or standards.